Friday, June 19, 2009

nyc again

Heading to nyc again today. This time a day trip only-more on that very soon.

One of the most exciting parts of the show last week was getting to see my name and work in the store windows! Linda Charles' stylish store manager thought that the work would be perfect in a few key spots.

Thanks for checking out the great posts on the show and all of your wonderful support- always.
Next week can't wait to share more big news and some great finds. Have a perfect weekend.


Anna said...

Have fun in NYC!

P.S. I left you a little love on my blog. :)

Karen said...

Have fun in the city today! Wish I was there!!!

Amanda Nicole said...

Wow, exciting!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You are coming to NYC on a perfect day! It finally stopped raining.

Anonymous said...

You are SO 80's inspired, aren't you?!

gh said...

awesome. Congrats on what looks to be a great showing. Your name on a window on a New York street is very cool. I'm just across the East river and hope to see your work there if i get the time off.
Your work is great, wish you much success.

Brunch at Saks said...

Congrats love! Have a fabulous day in NYC! Happy weekend :)

Aline said...

congratulations...that must be such a cool feeling!

have a fab weekend!! said...

looks like fun!!
btw, I see you commented on the book giveaway, make sure you enter on the widget... its on the first page of my blog now...

Keeley said...

Oh how exciting!!! I hope you had a fab trip.

MS said...

Wow, how cool! Have a great trip to NYC!

Unknown said...

I hope your trip back went well. I agree it was so amazing to have the names on the window love it!!
See you next weekend :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Safe travels on all your various trips :) How exciting to see your name on a store window :)