Your amazing words had me hard at work yesterday. Since the new stuff is at the photographers'...and at the printer it leaves me to work on my illustration skillz. Today I brushed up on my fashion illos. Apparently I am longing for spring...and she is longing for a gold frame don't you think?

i like it! but i'd go with a silver frame. :)
Hi Dallas! Thanks for your nice note this morning. I love your work, too! Congrats on all your success -- I've seen your key prints on Design Sponge. Just lovely.
I'm not usually a fan of pinks and reds together but I'm loving this.
It makes me anxious for spring.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged :), If you need info on how this works feel free to check out my blog post on it. Thanks!
it's definitely something I would wear, you're really talented :)
So cute. Very inspirational. Now I'm going to go home and draw all night until my illustrations look just a tad bit closer to this good.
Great illustration!!!
So talented!
you are so ridiculously talented. i am drooling over this illustration. xo
FANTASTIC illustration!!
I am working on mine more as well. I hope to make something soon as well. :)
I love this look Dilly
glad you like this guys, I have a whole sepearte porfolio not on my site. maybe I should build it up and do something with it...
Awesome illustration. Love it.
Oh! She makes me long for spring too! very lovely and thanks so much for visiting Devon and I, your blog is beautiful!
Gorgeous! I featured your vintage mix tape print today...love it! Let me know if you ever ship to London! x Erin
pinks & golds are gorgeous together, the outfit is so chic!
wow--you are very very talented and creative! I love this look.
Love this - it's screaming out to be framed. Maybe in silver, though.
Love your work! Particularly this outfit, which I can def. see myself wearing ;)
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