Anyway, I thought I'd share some of my favorite images from her etsy page and tell you a bit about about our friend and her photography. She currently uses a Nikon d80 after a little accident with a d40x (mabel)- for those of you in the camera market. Here is what she says about finding insiration in her hometown.
" I find inspiration everywhere! I think I live in one of the most inspirational areas of the world. Portland is such a cool city, the gray skies are an added bonus for me. Oregon is amazing, mountains coastline, amazing vegetation...magical! I also find inspiration through my son, he inspires me everyday. Finally, I am addicted to exploring the work of others...through etsy, flickr, blogs...etc. If your surround yourself with beauty you can't help but capture it."
I love that. French has a great sense of style and says that style should be effortless which shows in her picks throughout the week- but especially in her Monday picks, which I never miss. She swears she doesn't think about those picks but just bookmarks those babies! If you haven't checked this out- which I know you have- please do.

With those pictures I can see how Oregon is a magical place great photos and kudos for you to point out how great and chic she is =D
I keep telling people to LOOK UP to find inspiration. Most of us are surrounded by it but don't even notice.
OH! Those photos are magical!
smiling from ear to ear my dear (and rhyming apparently)...this made my morning...thanks girlie...xo t
I adore Mrs. French!! Traci's work is so inspirational. A great tribute to her! thanks (I was directed her by Georgia).
i agree 110%
those are beautiful pictures :)
I am already a fan of Mrs. French and her simply wonderful taste, and am so happy to now have come across your beautiful blog as well!
What a lovely post and she deserves every word of praise.
Lovely pics and dreamy tones. Hi Dallas...I discovered you from a post on one of Georgia's blogs!
Oh, yes! I adore her, so very much! And what a lovely tribute you have created for her! Thank you!
Dallas, thanks so much for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. Totally appreciate the note. Your blog is quite wonderful, its really fresh and I love your dogs. What breed are they? I'll be dropping by soon.
Wow...these are so lovely. I've seen her work before, and I'm always blown away by it all.
those pictures are absolutely incredible, wow. good post :)
She is fabulous and yes she has impeccable taste! I know what you are saying about having to rummage through all the blogs and when I came across Bliss I knew that she was going to be on my top list. Thanks for the scoop!
what a lovely write up. Mrs. French always makes my day a little brighter.
lmc- they are chichuahuas, but long hair chis! Love them!
Not only is she incredibly talented and full of inspiration - she's also ridiculously kind, thoughtful and sweet. Such a lovely post for a very deserving blogger.
*slaps forehead* I've been keeping a keen eye on Mrs French's blog for a little while now, and on blissfulimages for a little longer, and I never put the two together! I'm so slow! She is indeed a very talented lady!
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