Stripes and... more stripes
I love stripes, always have, always will. So I obviously like when people pair stripes with even more stripes. Just change up the stripe width and you're good to go! You can change strip colors or keep the same!
Our pairings:
Tabitha Simmons with jcrew
Bonnie Baby with Kate Spade (this bag is equally great to throw in a diaper or travel bag.)
FermLiving with jcrew
Other things I like:

I can't get enough of stripes!! Loving all these striped picks!
Love the first pic ;D
stripes. i simply cannot get enough!
love stripes! and those shoes are amazing!!!!!!! both pairs. wow.
love the classic b&w top! xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
I agree - stripes are amazing. I especially love navy and white stripes together and, despite that my closet is already full of this combo, I continue to buy more and more.
I have a stripes obsession! I just added to my ever growing collection yesterday with a striped maxi skirt!
i reeeeeeeeeally want the shoes.
Those shoes are awesome! Love stripes!
Risky but love the result!
I am loving the stripes! I went to JCrew yesterday and can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can stroll along SF's coastline in some short sleeves tops and a summer skirt.
Thanks for sharing this post. Cheers.
stripes stripes stripes
I love stripes
Tabitha Simmons, I am loving the striped heels!!!
Love the stripes pairing! The first picture is to die for. :) this look.
xoxo Monroe
Fashion Steele NYC
The majority of items in my closet are striped... I'll have to start pairing all the separates together now!
The B.F. has put me on a stripe shirt lockdown. Well, not really but he dose give me the hairy eyeball when I come home with a new one. They are like blue jeans to my wardrobe! Love them!!
stripes can never go out of style :).
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