When DKNY Fragrances told me they'd be shooting in my home for a holiday shoot, I
had to scramble to decorate quickly. Luckily I have some amazing and
talented design- friends that made it happen quickly. As far as holiday decor I believe in
using only a few "Christmas" items and adding those to mercury glass and
metals that you can leave out all year round. What good is spending a
fortune on decor if you can't enjoy it all year.
Designs by: Aubusson Home, Serena & Lily, Clayton Gray Home, Design Mate Illusions, Dwell Studio, Target, Nate Berkus, Angersteins and Rugs USA
Don't forget to enter to be one of five winners who will win a be delicious gift set! Here is how you enter:
Here's how you enter:
1. Follow DKNY Fragrances on facebook.
3. Leave a comment saying you've entered!
Every day we'll be posting new images for you to pin, tweet or instagram for extra entries, and all you have to do is share at these photos (tweet, or pin, or regram) tagging @DallasShaw and @DKNY and leaving a comment on this post with the link to your share.

The green apple is so so good...
Merry Christmas!
Gorgeous photos! Here's one pin:
And another:
OMG Dallas, they just keep getting better! Pinned and shared of course!
Loving the Schumacher reading nook!
Loving it! Posted all over!
Your house is so beautifully decorated and I just love your outfits in each of these photos! DKNY Be Delicious is still my favorite scent, and I am following you and DKNY on all those social media sites! :-)
Dallas, your photos, house, and outfits are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of this beauty each day- these pictures are the perfect homage to DKNY Delicious scents! I pinned some DKNY gift inspiration today, thanks to your beautiful photo! (You can see it here: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/56646907787081308/
Just love your home and style!
I'm totally twitterpated with your beautifully decorated house and your amazing outfits in these posts! I tweeted another one of your gorge photos today as another (crossed fingers) entry! :-) https://twitter.com/3PPrettyBlog/status/413504048978231296
And becausee #ican'thelpit #ilovethisgiveawaysomuch I also sent you a shout out on Insta today! (I know you already saw that, thanks for the like!) http://instagram.com/p/iFlGi3KrqN/
Facebook ;Anusha puri
Pinned ;http://www.pinterest.com/pin/460704236852958119/
I following dkny fragrances on Facebook and you on Instagram and Twitter. I'm entered. My email is reidsrd@hotmail.com.
Wow! Everything is so great..the house and the outfit!
goodness your home is so lovely. following you and dkny
Would love to win, thanks!
Annette F Lewis
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