Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Giveaway- from None E Rose and Dallas Shaw

For the past few months I have had the privilege of having some super stylish women contribute to the blog. One of those was Rachel, of None E Rose. She is not only stylish- but talented too.  Today, Rachel has offered to give readers a chance to win the Amelia Airplane Belt from her collection.

I wanted to share just a few more photos (by Bryan Coppede) b/c I loved the way Liz Teich styled it.

Hair and Makeup by Brett Jackson

Check out None E rose here, and leave a little love for Rachel below.
(As always an extra entry for tweeting about the blog. I would love to share the space 
with as many people as possible and your tweets help.)


Molly said...

Such a statement belt!! I had never heard of Nona E Rose before - thank you so much for introducing me to this fab company... So special that Rachel's company is named for her grandmother!

Liz Maxwell said...

I love, love, love this belt! Certainly a showstopper, and would look perfect with the pair of flair jeans that I never thought I would wear again but (of course) are back in season this fall. Hope to see more Nona E. Rose accessories in the future.

Anna said...

Her collections are beautiful & I love that she named her line after her Grandmothers! Her how to wear it section is styled perfectly.
As a petite girl who loves to shop vintage but hates to sew belts are my #1 accessory.

Moon to Moon said...

That belt is stunning, I would give it a good home. Don not have a twitter account but you are on my bog roll. xxxx Gabi xxxx

jessmott said...

this belt is SWEET!

Monica said...

Love her stuff! It's so unique!

jessmott said...

this belt is SWEET!

snellie23 said...

So cool! Totally love how unique this is!

snellie23 said...

I love this! So unique! Nona E. Rose should totally make bridal belts.

snellie23 said...

I love this. Does Nona E. Rose make bridal belts? That would be awesome?

E.Kammeyer Accessories said...

Absolutely love the belt, and the way it's styled! Great job Rachel and Liz!

amy b.s. said...

how great is that belt!

Jessica said...

Oh my! I would absolutely love to win this belt and build my fall wardrobe around it. I love how it's styled to offset the femininity of the sequins. Fingers crossed!

jessicahamm at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this belt! The vintage-looking planes give it such whimsical feel that's Amelia Earhart chic. So perfect for fall.

joanna said...

Love that belt!
Crossing my fingers

Jennifer Math said...

I love this belt, Rachel! Along with the rest of your awesome collection :)

Launa said...

I would never have thought that an airplane belt would look so chic, I love it!

Susan said...

Love that belt! And the way it's styled. It's so chic, with a little edge to it. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS BELT! It is so perfect for fall, I would love to have this to wear EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS BELT! I would love to wear this EVERY SINGLE day this fall, it's the perfect accessory to tie all of my outfits together! So fresh and new-- great job Rachel!

Unknown said...

Very the story behind the belts...especially the combination of her grandmothers sweet:)
What a conversation piece this belt would one of a kind stuff like this!

Kimbo said...

adorable, unique belt -- for me, it blends feminine and masculine elements. makes me feel like the kind of empowered woman i aspire to be :-) nice job, Nona E Rose!

Kimbo said...

adorable, unique belt -- i love that it combines feminine and masculine elements (for me). makes me feel like the kind of empowered woman i aspire to be
:-) nice job, Nona E Rose!

Shopahillic said...

I love this belt, Rachel! I really want one! So vintage yet fresh!

anyaadores said...

I would love to enter - such amazing stuff she does:)
I am tweeting too :) Have a great day,

Nell said...

I love the different belt buckles in her collection!

Elizabeth said...

I'm in belt LOVE!

coachwife6 said...

The stuff is amazing.

fabricatedends said...

What a great belt, not sure I"ve ever seen such a unique creation. It looks like it would be so much fun to wear and it goes with so many things!

fabricatedends said...

I just posted the giveaway to twitter, and added it to

Laurel said...

holy moly what an adorable belt! my sister is in the aviation field but i would totally keep this for myself.

Anonymous said...

Very unique and stylish! I loved everything.
Glad I found her site.

Elizabeth said...

Love the belt... the whale belt is also adorable and a real statement piece.

Becky O. said...

Thank you sharing. I LOVE the single rose belt with the burgundy band. So chic and matches just about everything in my wardrobe. :)

Becky O. said...

Thank you for sharing. I love the single rose belt with the burgundy strap. So chic and matches just about everything in my closet. :)

Mimi said...

Ow so cute! I would love to win this belt!!!