Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dallas Shaw and Nine West

I love working with Nine west. Check it out!


nycstylelittlecannoli said...

I saw your Nine West ad and your hometown of Scranton...I am from Wilkes-Barre...was nice to see!! Congrats and lovely blog!!

Blond Panther & Louboutin... said...

Congrats... Enjoy :))

Tiffany Kadani said...

Fabulous! This is so incredible! Love that tagline and I love those photos of you!

Unknown said...

Wow! Congrats- it's fabulous!!! xo

Anonymous said...

Where did you get that blouse in the photo? It is slap your momma cute.

Anonymous said...

I love nine west!

blue moss said...

i just got the email about that today and thought it was sooooo cool!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Dallas! Best wishes for your continued success in 2011!

Anonymous said...

great shot, so nice for them to show some blogger love! love the orange shoes as well.

Unknown said...

Congrats on this feature.
You are just everywhere these days!

So glad to have found your reading it daily and wish you the best and brightest for 2011!

Courtney said...

Love. Love. Love. Well done, friend.

Apt. #34 said...

Huge congrats gorgeous - such fun work and well deserved! cheers to a great 2011!!