Makes me want to wear pink:

photo by anna wolf, vera wang
Working on some new illos- wanna play?
Making a list of things stylish gals do, or that they look chic doing in illustrations for a new company!
Add to my list:
- thrift shop
-sip martinis
-walk dogs
-bike ride
-look at artwork
-try on shoes
now you help please!

Loving the pink. Thanks so much for stopping by!!! Great blog.
That second photo with the sun streaming down is absolutely stunning!
love those pink blossoms.
stylish gals -
- go to movie premiers.
- attend fashion shows.
- lunch.
- sip coffee at a sidewalk cafe, paris, of course.
- shop on fifth avenue.
O.k., no advice here on what fashionable girls do, but I love the pictures! You need to cut some and put them in the house, NOW! (P.S. totally love your music list. We may have the same cd collection.)
beautiful flowers!
How about:
-take photographs
-smell flowers
Ah lucky u! Thanks for the suggestion! : )
sidewalk cafe came to my mind too :)
go to museums,
shop at a local outdoors farmer market, take romantic walks on teh beach, golf, lounge on a yacht...
I think i am ready for summer.
beautiful photos!! how about girl sitting at starbucks reading vogue with shopping bags under the table?
stylish girls -
help out at a charity
sip wine on patios in napa
buy veggies at the farmer's market
use a polaroid camera
love the flare in the shots!
Photos are great!
As for stylish gals-
-flower shop
what a wonderful sight to wake up to! i'm loving pink, too.
here's my contribution:
-sit on the beach
-help an elderly woman cross the street
-photograph her surroundings
-brunch with her girlfriends
-walk arm in arm with her husband through the airport
those flowers are so pretty!
love these suggestions. and I can use the all so far~ yes they would look pretty smelling flowers...!
Gorgeous flowers! I'd be cutting some and putting them all over the house!!
hmmm...how about a girl sleeping soundly in a luxurious, gorgeous bed with a large down comforter, cozy sheets, and an amazing headboard...wearing velvet eye shades of course. Or maybe that's just where I wish I was right now.
the flowers are gorgeous!!!
window shop
farmer's market
reading under a tree
Beautiful pink flowers!
now to decide what my first stylish lady should do...
Those flowers are near and dear to my heart.. there were several trees outside my window during college and I always loved the few days they were in bloom!
Stylish girls stare longingly out a large window while at work... or maybe that's just me :)
love this post! So pretty :)
Pretty, pretty! I love pink!
Hey Dallas I nominated you for an award!
Check out my blog,
sorry i don't speak english but uuhh ...i love your blog..lol
Pretttyyyy flowers :)
I love them.
Great photos. The pink flowers are gorgeous!
love it this style all my favorite pink in ; )
Great post!
Stylish girls-
Wear flowers on hair, regardless of season.
Seem to always look good in photos, even when caught unaware.
Stylish gals:
-Knitting! :)
-painting their nails
-putting on mascara... or is that to normal?
-typing on their laptop at starbucks
-writing a letter
-baking! or decorating a cake
(I am all out of ideas! hope you can use some of them, im afraid that I wasnt much help! all of the other suggestions were awesome-I wish you could do them ALL! :) )
Lovely pictures!
Those pictures of pink flowers on the tree, are so so gorgeous!
-Giving a dog a bath outside with a hose
-Checking the mail
-Laying on a raft in a pool
-Sailing a boat
-Baking a cake
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