Yesterday, as I was in my office working on a project for dkny, fielding calls from my newest client in London, and struggling with my twitter account (#twissues)...when a very large package arrived at the door. I finally managed to get the heavy package into my office and I opened it to find a large white trunk. The trunk was filled with a dress form, pretzels (?), a tacky holiday vest, crafting supplies... and a note that says more instructions will follow.
Just last week I was invited by the team at ABC family to participate in a design challenge for their upcoming show "Jane By Design". To sum up the agreement, I will complete a number of design challenges (with the help of blog readers) and depending how well it goes, I even have the opportunity to get one of my readers' style featured on the ABC Family website.
(Not going to lie, I did confidently tell the ABC team that that my blog readers were the most stylish...)
I have no idea what my first assignment will be for this project, but I will keep you all posted when I have word.
Hey wait, those aren't my fashion illustrations... I'll need to speak with someone about that. ;)

How exciting! You team up with the best collaborations. Probably because you are so stylish. Can't wait to learn more!
Sounds very interesting and fun! I love that you used the word #twissues! Ha! Can't wait to hear more!
Sounds exciting! Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Good luck!
i'm so happy and excited for you! i can't wait :)
it's fun :)
How fun is that? Can't wait to watch:)
Began tweeting a bit about it today and already involving some readers! Keep an eye out for my #JBDStyleChallenge tweets
super cool! can't wait to hear more.
that's so awesome!
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