This model makes the coral eyeshadow that's been popping up everywhere look good...
but what are your thoughts on the unexpected pop of color on your own eyelid?
Would you actually try this new look? Is it something you have already tried,
or do you need to muster up some courage?

She makes it look so perfect! I don't know if I could pull off coral but I will def try! I do try turq once in awhile and always love it :)
P.S. We are giving away 2 books from Studio Violet. Stop By :)
love this inspiration and great idea for this summer! will have to give it a try! xoxo
I love that it's not too pink--I was always told that pink eyeshadow would make me look sick (or as though I had pinkeye, guh!), but the coral is perfect.
gorgeous and perfect for the summer months!
she really does make it look good! I love rockin' a deep blue or dark earthtones, but, um - somehow the reds just don't work for me! I'm a bit jealous! ^_^
She wears it well, and I do enjoy the vibrant colors in makeup and accessories I see woman wearing from time to time (and fashion trend to fashion trend)I first thought it might have went well with her blonde hair, but I'm thining this will also look pretty great on a brunette :)
Im always afraid I am going to look like I'm 12 if I do this..but icwant to give it a try
i do colors like teal on my eyelids which is pretty out there for me, but with my skin tone, i'd really have to experiment with coral. LOVE this color in clothing though!!
this model makes it look good ;)
excited to give the coral eye-shadow a try.
I have never used the coral eyeshadow in my palette, but this inspired me to do so. The matte coral alone was kind of intense for me so I toned it down with a champagne shimmer color on top-- let me tell you, so wearable like that and pretty as can be! It made my blue eyes stand out a little bit more too. Almost as if I was wearing a copper (which I generally wear because of its blue eye-enhancing powers haha).
Great post :)
I love this on her...I feel like it is almost as impactful as a great piece of if I just looked like her and felt like coral eyeshadow would look good on me...sigh.
Might be worth a try tho.
Happy week to you.
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