My quest for long lean muscles continues! As you know, I have began Physique 57 and so far I really enjoy it. I know the buzz has been going around on their classes in NY and CA - where most of my clients live, so I here is your chance to try this out from your living room.
Leave a comment below on why you'd like to try Physique 57 and you are entered. (Extra entry for tweeting anything at all about the blog with a link) Good Luck! Winner chosen by the Physique 57 team on May 17th.

Ooo, I'm excited! I need to get me some toned arms for summer.
I would love to have a fun way to tone up all over. I've been hoping to go to a class like this, so a video would be even better.
Love, Leigh
I have always wanted to try this! Kelly Ripa swears by it and I would love to see how it is :)
xo Lynzy
Tweeted with @sparklingsteps
I am 7 months postpartum and we live on an island. I need to get toned up before we are living at the beach. There are not to many choices here so a video would be great.
I live in the middle o' nowhere with only a small, one-room gym for the town. This would be the perfect solution!
Physique 57 is killer workout and just in time for summer!! I try to go, but the packages hurt my budget so a giveaway would be ideal ; )
The weather in Boston has been too gross lately to run outside and I am desperate to get in shape!
I am hoping a studio opens in Chicago. Thanks for the great giveaway, I hope I win!
I have heard only great things about Physique 57! My ex-boss used to do their work out...Although she wasn't the kindest person alive, she looked pretty darn good!
I would love to try something fun and new :)
I'm dying to try this, i've heard awesome things about it!
Always on the look out for some fun form of exercise & would love to try Physique 57! But it still hasn't hit Europe yet!
For a long time I was a figure skater, and now that I have a full time job and have little time to skate, I need something that challenges my muscles in the same way, lengthening and strengthening. Tweeted this from profile cphillis07.
I've been wanting to try this! There's no studio in Chicago so the dvds would be perfect.
I've been killing myself at the gym lately, in a desperate attempt to shed some winter poundage before bikini season - proving completely unsuccesful. I can't wait to try Physique 57 and see if it does the trick. Love your site tons!
To have a dancer's body. Duh :)
i die for long lean muscles. unfortunately, i don't have them. enter physique 57. thanks for this great giveaway!
Long lean muscles! I wonder if it works for short inflexible gals? Hope I get to find out!!
I just got back from a year abroad and I could definitely use Physique 57 to speed up the pesky weight loss process!
I would love to try this and get back to being fit and healthy!(retweeted by @elalaine)
I want to get back into shape. I don't have a gym close to my house or work, so i have tried different videos at home but after a while i get bored. I want to try something fun!!
funny, i was just talking about how I wanted to take these classes yesterday. Synchronicity! The universe wants me to get long, lean muscles and Kelly Ripa arms ;)
what an amazing giveaway! i have so wanted to try this as i definitely need to tone up!
What a stunning pic!
physique 57 has been on my wish list for awhile! i love the idea of lengthening and toning at home
I never heard of this before, but I'd certainly would want to give it a try. Who doesn't want to look beautifully toned:) Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, its so nice to hear and I'd be thrilled to be in your daily list.
Ah! I've been wanting to do this for forever! This would be the best giveaway win, ever!
I am always looking for ways to spice up my workout! This is a great giveaway!
I run and eat very healthily. However, I've always longed for toning and can never quite figure out how to achieve it. I'd love to try Physique 57! My husband and I are going to be moving around the country over the next 2 years (for his job) and having a consistent workout companion would be ideal.
I'd love to win this! I danced all through high school and college and would love to see how this compares!
I have been DYING to try this workout!
i would love to win this! i love your blog
tweeted - @eringoodchild
I am in desperate need to find a fun way to exercise that will get results and have me wanting to work out.
Would love to try it- need to shape up my post baby body!
I've been needing something new to get me back into shape. I am tired of everyone telling me that running will make me lean, but all it does for me is add more muscle to my thighs. When I first heard about physique 57 I knew I needed to try it!
I have read all about it on your blog and would love to give Physique 57 a go! Thanks!
i would love to try this! it looks like it would whip my butt into shape :-)
I have been working out regularly for the past two years at home. (I am too embarrassed to work out in public!) I am so much stronger and feel great but have become so bulky from doing typical workout videos. I would love, love for that coveted dancer's body! Please, please with a sugar-free cherry on top!
Because I love working out! :)
would love to try as i'm always curious about new forms of exercise! plus, i'm in a wedding soon so i need to get going!
I would LOVE to try Physique 57 because my daughter is getting married in Sept. and I am her matron of honor and need to get toned and shaped up QUICK!!! Thank you for this opportunity...;-) Nan
I need some serious motivation and assistance to get toned this summer, this would be amazing!
I would love to try it because I've done the physique 57 full body dvd and am obsessed... I want, no, need, to try more of the DVDs :)
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