Monday, February 1, 2010

Sinner Saints & Sweets Giveaway

It's dace week here at the blog! I have received so many sweet emails and comments these days. Just wanted to say a big thank you.

In honor of the big launch of our project, an adorable cupcake shop Sinners Saints & Sweets, is letting you choose 4 flavors of their cupcakes! They will ship the cupcakes right to the winner's door!

This is for the people who are sweet to me so if you follow the blog- just leave the 4 flavors you would choose from their etsy shop below. Winner will be emailed on Friday. Thanks for your support everyday. Here's to more great projects in 2010!


RLR said...

love your blog, it's on my 'must visit every day' list! if i could choose any four flavors i'd choose chocolate eclair, birthday cake vanilla, cookies and cream, and rootbeer float!

Chelsea said...

Yum! I would spread the love - I would ask for the Peanutbutter Cheesecake Brownie-Cake for my boyfriend, the German Chocolate Cupcake for my dad, the grasshopper cupcake for my mom, and of course the chocolate cherry one for myself!

Those look soo good!

Anonymous said...

those cupcakes look so lush! ohh i wannnnttt

Jessica Ferron said...

The Dace collaboration really seems to be a perfect fit! So glad I guessed right :)

Cupcakes are my favorite for many reasons, and choosing four is hard, buuuut: Luscious Lemon, Chocolate Cherry, Old Fashion Chocolate, and Birthday Vanilla!

Stargazer said...

oh. my. goodness. those look scrumptious!! i think i would love the triple strawberry, chocolate cherry, dark chocolate and the grasshopper mint chip.
nom nom nom :)
Thank you for sharing your wonderful drawings!!

seesaw designs said...

YUMMMM. seesaw loves our cupcakes. we'll vote for:

Old Fashioned Chocolate
Strawberries & Chocolate
Luscious Lemon
Cookies & Cream


Jenna @ Mi Vida Bonita said...

Oh yum! Those look great. I would have to choose strawberry + chocolate, german chocolate, triple chocolate and rootbeer float.

brooke said...

mmmm I love cupcakes!
Id go with: vanilla strawberry, Dark Chocolate Fudge Chip Cupcake, Luscious Lemon Cupcake, and Grasshopper Mint Chip Gourmet Cupcake
mmm. I may have to make cupcakes tonight!

liz said...

Ooh I'm actually having my two best friends visit me later this month, and this would be a special treat!
Vanilla Birthday Cake
Luscious Lemon
Triple Chocolate Diva
Dulce de Leche
yum. hope i win!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Dark chocolate fudge, German Chocolate, Luscious Lemon, Good Ol' Fashioned.

This is probably the best giveaway. No one ever gives away food! Ever! Love it and love your blog!

Shirley said...

love your dace illustrations! and of course, love cupcakes. these are irresistible - too pretty to eat almost. i'd go w/birthday cake vanilla, strawberries & chocolate, grasshopper mint, and dark chocolate. mmmm! :)

Brandi said...

I dislike choosing between good cupcakes -- the others would feel left out and we don't want that. But, as I must, here are my favorite four:
Dulche de Leche
Vanilla Birthday Cake
Triple Strawberry
You spoil us with all your beautiful posts and giveaways like this.

Kristin said...

ohhh yum!!! They all look SO amazing! I would choose the chocolate fudge chip, chocoalte eclair, strawberry and chocolate, ad grasshopper!

Unknown said...

Wow, i would really like to try dulce de leche, cookies & cream,vanilla strawberry valentine, and vanilla birthday cake. All of them look very delicious though.

Jessica said...

Cupcakes make for the best giveaways!

I'd love the Caramel Pecan Turtle Pie Brownie Cake, Cookies and Cream, Chocolate Eclair, Vanilla Strawberry

... and a day at the gym to burn the calories!

Megan @ Pink O'Clock said...

yum! birthday cake vanilla, peanut butter cheesecake brownie-cake, grasshopper mint chip and root beer float.

congratulations on all of your exciting new projects! so deserved. xo

Houston's Weekly Chic said...

Seriously? We can only pick 4? They all are making my mouth water:) Grasshopper Pie, Old Fashioned Chocolate, Strawberries & Chocolate &
Vanilla Birthday Cake

Unknown said...

i've been in a baking mood. and these look divine. my sister is about to deliver a baby girl and to welcome the little one, i'd choose:
birthday cake vanilla
good ol' fashioned chocolate
luscious lemon
brownie cake (in cupcake form. yum!!)

thanks and good luck with your projects.

Anonymous said...

i love your blog and your work!! the cupcakes look to die for: Vanilla Birthday Cake, Cookies & Cream, Triple Strawberry & Vanilla Strawberry Valentine ♥julie

Amanda said...

I've been in such a baking mood lately--this would save me some time:) Perfect for V-day!

Cassie2theBooth said...

How have I not discovered these little gems sooner?? My 4 flavors would be German Chocolate, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake Vanilla, and Rootbeer Float. Gorgeous & delish I'm sure!!

Anna said...

mmmm sounds yummy! i am picking the boyf's favorite flavors because it is valentines day after all!
German Chocolate
Vanilla Birthday Cake
Vanilla Strawberry Valentine
Cookies & Cream

Sara Downton said...

oh goshhh i'm probably too late but i figure it can't hurt to comment anyways!
these cupcakes look sooo delicious!
i would choose the birthday cake vanilla, the chocolate eclair, the vanilla strawberry valentine and the grasshopper mint chip! yum!

mandyface said...

YOU are so sweet to have such a wonderful giveaway! Hope I didn't miss the deadline!

Dark chocolate fudge chip
Triple Chocolate Diva
Chocolate Eclair
Root Beer Float (I had to have one nonchocolatey one)

Aline said...

what a fun giveaway!!! i would choose chocolate eclair, rootbeer float, cookies and cream, and vanilla birthday cake!

Jill Turner said...

Yum! I've recently become obsessed with cupcake shops!