Still working away (anyone thing my fingers will fall off?) but wanted to share to pretty photos with you. I am ordering a bit of wallpaper for my little home office today, and these photos inspired me to do it. Enjoy!

tweets as I work and need a break ;)
ngoc minh ngo,
polly wreford
I love the cozy atmosphere in the second picture!
Love that wallpaper. I've been searching for ways to make my office coxy as well. I'll be back to see how yours ends up.
Are you wallpapering yourself or having someone do it? If you decide to take it on I'd love to see a post about how you did it with tips! Good luck too!!!
I'm waiting on my own wallpaper to arrive so I can complete my office. Such a lovely way to liven up the workspace.
Love the wallpaper you chose! I love how wallpaper is making a comeback!
Love the posy of roses on the desk; the apple green vase is a perfect complement to the pretty blossoms.
love the wallpaper you chose - can't wait to see it up.
Great choice for wallpaper- can't wait to see finished pics!
oh fun! I can't wait to see it.
i love kinda thrilled to see what you have in store for your office...
post pics asap!
I love wallpaper. I can't wait to see the final product!
Love these rooms! They are so cozy!
Cozy! You have a really nice blog. will be back to visit.
Oh SO gorgeous! How fun and exciting! XOXO
Oh I L.O.V.E wallpaper, your chosen one is super glam too...cute blog
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