Monday, October 5, 2009

gimme some suga

Just some of the new collection at suga jewelry.

and on a completely random note, pretty much the coolest mason jar. Ever.
at sparkklejar


Samy said...

These are all quite nice, I specially like the peanut one!

Laura @ EdenRose said...

These are really lovely and so uniue! xx

Jessica said...

Very pretty - the peanut cracks me up!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Loooove those rings!! The grouping in the first pic- :)

blue moss said...

loveeee the jewelry
and the jar :)

Amy said...

Omg, I love every single thing photographed. Gorgeous!

Pretty Lovely said...

I love those hair clips. Love, love!


Unknown said...

Wow - those are so pretty! And that mason jar is to die for. i have an obsession with mason jars and i want them all of the time. love it.

Jewel Divas Style said...

The jewellery is nice. Definitely unusual.

Sweety P said...

Love the jewelry! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog!

Virginia de la Reynares said...

Hah, that is a pretty amazing mason jar! Love this jewelry too!!!

suga said...

Thank you for having me here, Dallas!
I am so honored!! Suga

Chic Coles said...

I love the first two ring images! So pretty!!!!

Closet Full of Nothing said...

oh so pretty!!

A said...

very cute! I love your blog and website too, especially your fashion sketches. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Sharon said...

Hi there-this is a lovely selection of jewellery, thanks for stopping by too!!

lyptis said...

Such cute jewellery and a very sweet jar!

San Francisco Stylephile said...

Gosh, I think I love your taste in just about everything! Those rings are so dainty and pretty.

sparkklejar said...

Thanks for featuring my Mason Squat Pint, That was Sweet like Suga!

Mwa Mwa xoxoxox Lisa