Thursday, July 12, 2012

I work early.
By choice.

On summer mornings I like to sit outside with a coffee as the sun comes up. It's my time to weed through emails, check out pinterest, and get the day's projects all lined up. This minute alone, before the world is awake is my favorite time of day.

Morning coffee in the summer is becoming my only constant now that the schedule has been crazy.
Does anyone else make some time for this? If you are a creative person, I highly recommend it if you can make the time.


  1. I usually end up grabbing an iced coffee on my way into work.

  2. So funny that you wrote about this! I literally just composed a post for next week about my morning ritual (which of course includes coffee) and how important I think it is to savor those few moments before the day begins. I will wake up an hour early just to be able to have this time!

  3. not a coffee person, but i always make time for early morning tea!

  4. i do the exact same thing, and love it. It is so peaceful!

  5. i am DEFINITELY a morning coffee person. and afternoon coffee person. and sometimes a night coffee person. really, when is it NOT a good time for coffee? answer: never. ever ever. :-)

  6. One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday morning. In fact, I just posted about this on my blog!
    Happy to a found your blog via Pinterest. I will be spending my morning coffee time reading thru your posts.....

  7. Yes me too, I love waking up early but I need to go to bed before 9, usually by 8.30 like children do :D I need 9 hours worth of sleep. I just love early mornings, I have my breakfast, with a set table, white linen etc, and enjoy my breakfast, however not in my piyamas, have already showered and styled myself up! I have a business and I tend to burn out so I take really good care not to overwork myself, Im constantly creating, so I have rituals like this that help me NOT be working all the time. However. i love my work.

  8. Dallas, I finally get it! I switched from being the late late night owl to an early bird actually this summer. Super early actually and the ritual is one of my favorite parts of my day now. I grab a coffee and sit outside, check emails and just organize my day. I finally feel not so rushed during the day and the magic is I am awake before the alarm clock. (former major snoozer here) ;)


  9. nomnomnom! LOVE looking at coffee, makes me feel like I can taste it :) Iced coffee is such a treat.
