Thursday, June 23, 2011


Stumbled upon Tulu textiles this week while searching for pillows.

 Loving the pink tassled scarf.


  1. Wow I'm absolutely in love with these pillows! Yum!

  2. HOW in the world did I just now find your blog?! Well I know actually ;)..I found you through your comment. I LOVE it. So clean and simple and lovely! The scarves are SO pretty..even though I would die if I was to wear a scarf right now..they would still be perfect hanging in my closet until the time is right...and the weather is cooler.

    XO Lindsay

  3. I love those patterns! I bet they would all look really nice next to each other, in that whole, mismatched-but-still-coordinated way. Adorable!

  4. I love the white bedding set (I think that's a bedding set). They're all very cute though!

    xo katie elizabeth

  5. I love those hooks in the second photo!

  6. Love all these textiles, especially that pink water color-looking one (yep, that is the exact technical term for that print (c: )! I'm so glad you dropped by my blog because I've been missing out here!!! I'm completely jealous of the photo shoot for WHBM and Lucky mag, what an honor! It's a fabulous life, but someone's gotta live it, right??? (c:

  7. so pretty! going to need to find their stuff in person somewhere.
