Friday, May 27, 2011


I recently stumbled onto the Lollia website and I cannot wait to get my hands on some of the scents there. Has anyone tried these? I love the extra tall bubble bath bottles. They would look so lovely lined up side by side on a wooden tray in my bathroom.

And the pretty packaging on these perfumes- shown here in "imagine" and "inspire".
Perfect gifts for every creative gal I know.


  1. Ooooo I'd love to try those! Happy long-weekend!

  2. I've never tried them but long admired the packaging, especially the ones that come with a little chandelier crystal. So lovely! Hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day Dallas!

    xo Mary Jo

  3. ahh lollia is amazing and everything margot elena touches turns to gold! great post.

  4. oh you will love them. I carry them in my shop! Many people love the WISH scent. Don't you adore the packaging? So pretty!

  5. I absolutely love Lollia products. I first found them in anthropologie stores and use the bubble baths and perfumes. Plus the designs of the bottles are to die for.

  6. OMG..I love this message in a bottle packaging...HOW COOL:)
    I want to try it just to save the bottle. hahaha.
