Thursday, December 2, 2010

doilies and Shopbop!

Check out this adorable paper doily wreath. you can find the how to at Martha Stewart. I have not had much time to decorate so I promised my self one decoration a night. This will be a good one! (And collecting the doilies will be just as fun?!

Also wanted to share a HUGE project I have been working on with Shopbop! It has  just launched and I would love for everyone to run to the website and see. A new blogger will be featured daily featuring my illustrations. Hope you enjoy.

Visit the project at Shopbop and let us know what you think!


  1. aaah I saw your shopbop project earlier and loved it Dallas, congrats!

  2. that is amazing, congrats! your illustrations are extraordinary as usual.

  3. This is so cool...heading over to shopbop now. Great work! :)

  4. the drawings at shopbop look GREAT! way to go!

  5. Love that MS doily wreath! And how fun your Shopbop project! Congrats!

    xx Vivian @

  6. that wreath makes me so happy! thanks for sharing. and congrats!

  7. Hey Dallas - we met at the tail end of the event at Anthropologie Wednesday night. I love your illustrations for Shopbop! They are more fabulous than I could have ever dreamed!

    Let me know one of the next times you're in town and we'll arrange a blogger meetup!

  8. YOU DID A FAB-TASTIC JOB! like. wow. i want one of me!!!!!!!

  9. I noticed the drawings and thought they were super cute! Then another blogger directed me to you. LOVE the illustrations, you're so talented!


  10. oh i'm in love with your drawnings!!!!! i would love to be one of these lucky bloggers ;))

  11. Your illustrations for shopbop are so fun!
