Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm in CA

As you know I have been up for days, working on multiple projects , and today I am in CA (los angeles) for a few meetings. My job has taken me to some amazing places this year. This is a good one.

necklace :  basilthecat etsy
(Keep up with the behind the scenes pics via twitter. promise you'll be happy you did.)


  1. Welcome to CA! I hope you like it here. And that necklace is so sweet. I want to get it for my SIL who is moving here from the East Coast.

  2. Great Etsy shop! Just found your blog, you've got some great illustrations. I'd love to feature them sometime!


  3. Hope your trip has been fab so far!! I know it's really cold here on the west coast right now, up here in Vancouver we've got -6 C tomorrow!! Brrr!
    Nancy xo
