Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Work has been so busy, and I leave for fashion week soon. I can't help it that my wedding anniversary falls right before the big week, so I spent the long weekend at my old home Walt Disney World.
 A little known fact- I lived in Orlando for some time, and worked for the mouse. Even drew for him before I moved back north.  Today I am back to the real world of art and fashion.
Where no one wears mouse ears.


  1. have fun at fashion week dear!

  2. Happy Anniversary!

    Fashion Week, how exciting!!

  3. Sounds like fun! Have a FABULOUS time at Fashion Week my really good friend Amanda Fields will be there modeling in NYC!

    Liesl :)

  4. What a fun fact! Have a great time at Fashion Week!!

  5. Have fun at fashion week, darling.

    Aww, Walt Disney World--how fun! <3

    Ooooh! I didn't know you lived in Orlando..I'm actually going there in October!

  6. Hey! I like mouse ears....what a fun beginning!!!!
